marzo 25, 2025

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Poland’s violation of EU law raises concerns about possible expulsion

Poland’s violation of EU law raises concerns about possible expulsion

An opponent waved the EU flag in front of a constitutional tribunal in Warsaw, Poland.

NurPhoto | NurPhoto | Getty Images

Poland’s highest court has ruled that some EU laws are in conflict with the country’s own constitution – raising concerns about Poland’s commitment to the union.

The European Commission, the governing body of the European Union, and the Conservative government in Poland have been at loggerheads for years over the rule of law. Brussels has accused Warsaw of undermining the independence of the judiciary and has so far backtracked on deciding to provide post-epidemic recovery funding worth about ில்லியன் 30 billion ($ 34 billion).

In a recent extension of their controversy, Polish judges ruled that national law was paramount to European law in a case brought by the country’s prime minister.

“The Polish Constitutional Court is not the first European Court of Justice to question the primary principle of EU law on national law. .

“This pre-emptive strike is likely to cause a setback in the EU, where the national recovery plan will not be approved, and in Poland, the Poles will begin to question their government’s position in the EU,” he added.

Polls show that Polish voters are increasingly pro-European, far removed from Britain, which voted to leave the EU in 2016.

This is an attack on the EU as a whole.

Jeroen Liners

European legislator

The Polish government also says it supports the EU plan. But its actions raise questions as to whether it is true.

“It is difficult to trust the Polish authorities and the (ruling) PIS party when it says it does not want to end Poland’s EU membership,” said Geron Lineers, a Member of the European Parliament and spokeswoman. The political committee in the room said in a statement.

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“This is an attack on the EU as a whole,” he said following the court ruling.

French European Foreign Minister Clement Bonn said on Friday that the decision from Poland was “very serious” and increased the risk of leaving the camp.

The Polish government was not available for comment when contacted by CNBC on Friday.

On the other hand, the Commission stated that “the Union will not hesitate to exercise its powers under treaties to protect the uniform application and integrity of law.”

In the worst possible expansion, the Commission may propose that the EU loses its right to vote in Poland. It must be approved by a qualified majority among other EU members.

“I am deeply saddened by yesterday’s ruling by the Polish Constitutional Court,” European Commission President Ursula van der Leyen said in a statement on Friday.

“Our agreements are very clear,” he said, adding that “EU law is paramount over national law, including constitutional provisions.